This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 2; by Dora D. Carey 2023: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Stories by D: Discombobulated and Dazed

I woke up in this cavernous space with sand and small spiny rocks poking at my underside. I remembered the tree with the goose-pen opening, which I had chosen to enter for refuge from Bridget's mania, but I did not recall how I had come to arrive at this strange, unknown space. It didn't make sense. But, like everything else for the past several months, nothing made sense.  I was too logical to take things for what they were. I got up carefully to investigate my new surroundings. But, I had to be careful because my belly was injured, and I still did not know the extent of the injury. I looked at my hands, but they were clean from the blood I had wiped from my wounded side. I did not find not one single tear in my shirt that should have been made from the sharp branch Bridget had used as she assaulted me, and upon lifting my shirt, there was no wound. I was not maimed whatsoever, and although I could not see any evidence of Bridget's attack, I could still feel the pain of her discombobulated rage. I thought to myself, 'am I the one who was confused?' Adding to the fact that no physical mutilation had been done to my belly, not a single tear to my shirt, and not knowing how I ended up in this cave, I was starting to second guess the ride-share from its very inception. But, I had doubted myself too soon as I saw two figures appear at the dark opening of the cave. The light was beaming from an opening near the top shaft of the cave. The way the light was allowed to enter the cave cast shadows on anything too far away from where I was. But, the two figures crept closer to me, and as they got closer to the lighted path, they stopped. I could barely see their eyes. One of them appeared to smile; all I could see was its teeth, they were a deep white color. I was still too dazed from the fact that I could not recall how I had come to be in this cold, damp underground chamber, but I wanted to see what the hell those two things were. Fear had left my body as curiousity overcame the fright with stark displeasure. I wanted answers, and I fucking wanted them now. 

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