This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 2; by Dora D. Carey 2023: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Stories by D: HER Has Invited Her Friends

The entity I have come to refer to as HER has made HER presence known once again. How befitting that HER picked today, Halloween, of all days to manifest into a more visible form. Quite eerily HER now roams around in the form of an oval cloud; a murky, cloudy form that wanders freely in our home as if it had been invited. Unlike the canon of vampire legends, which dictate that a vampire can only enter a person’s home if it is invited, this unworldly creature has made “itself” at home without an invitation. HER is much too comfortable in this house. HER proceeded to remind me that when I feel an unnerving presence or is spooked, to remember it is them. The bitch entity has even resorted to talking to me. Not verbally, but HER creeps up into my head and my thoughts. HER has basked in my mind and spoken some eerie things. To add salt to the ole proverbial wound, HER has brought along "friends" to help ensure I'm miles away from lucid. Her told me that when I get so scared to the point where I get chills and the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up, to acknowledge that it's HER! In HER own special way, HER went on to explain that there are differences between ghosts and demons. The explanation seemed all too surreal to me. I tried to pinch myself in order to make sure I was actually awake while listening to HER explanation. I was freaked out and the hairs on the back of my neck felt like they wanted to split in two. I held my breath and started to count hoping I would soon wake up, and this would all be a dream (nightmare). But, I was not that fortunate, or so I thought. I actually managed to find my way out of the nightmare. It was early morning when I awoke. It was the day that began one of my favorite holidays of the year: Samhain. I was still trying to stay off the foot I stupidly sprained yesterday. I was not completely bed-ridden although my family would have preferred I was. I made a little study area in my bedroom next to my queen-sized bed, so I could have all my study gear with me. I had a lot of homework for grad school and exams for which to study. I had stopped taking the pain medication because it made me too drowsy and loopy. I needed to be fully cognizant for various reasons; mostly, so I could finish a major research project. I must have still had side-effects from the meds because I found myself extremely tired to the point of putting aside my books and papers to rest. I had intended to just shut my eyes for a little while, but little did I know I would fall into another disconcerting episode with HER waiting for me on the other side; not a reverie but another paranormal visit from my friend. I felt like I was going to gag; I could not breathe. Something was burning in the pit of my belly. I tried to reach out for my bottle of water, but each time I stretched out my arm, the bottle seemed to drift farther and farther away. I somehow managed to sit up in bed, and after that, I couldn’t move. I could just sense HER presence. My cat, Caty, was lying down next to me as she always does when I am not feeling well. The look on my Caty's face was almost alarming in itself, but she settled down, which helped to quell my nerves a little. But moments later, Caty seemed alarmed as she stood up, arched her back, and let out a loud meow in the direction of the guest room where I once had an altar. It was as if my Caty was trying to ward off something sinister. The murky, cloudy form made itself known and moved to the door that leads to the long hallway; it was becoming more and more noticeable. It was getting closer. My Caty sounded out another horrible screech; one I had never before heard from her. I was beginning to feel more ungodly, chilling sensations from every part of my being. The form stopped a few feet away from me, and HER began to speak to me again. HER said that “they” were getting closer, and I should fear “them” more than I feared HER. HER reminded me of the explanation it had provided to me earlier in the morning about ghosts and demons. HER said it had been a human before it died tragically, but “the other creatures,” they had never been human; “they” had always been demons and that made “them” more menacing and dangerous to humans. HER never told me not to fear HER. Even though I was beginning to somewhat adjust to HER visits, something deep inside led me to believe that I should never drop my guard around HER.  Somehow I knew that if I dropped my guard, I would regret it. But, what was the purpose for HER visits, I could only wonder. 
I fell asleep again whilst Samhain passed us by for another year. The next day, I found myself still lying in bed with my ever-faithful Caty next to me. She was looking up at me with her paws on my arm as if she had been protecting me. I have no doubt that is what she was doing. I found the pillows I had propped behind my head and back laden with my own sweat. I managed to get up and shower. I hobbled back into my room to change the bed clothes. I was sure something was still in the room watching me. It was just a strange feeling I had. Its intentions remained unbeknownst to me. All I knew is I was still tired. After all the sleep I had taken in for the past two days, I was still fatigued. My inner core was beginning to get cold and frigid. I almost went back into the dining room to turn the thermometer to the heat setting, but I refrained. I climbed back into my cozy bed. I grabbed my laptop and proceeded to write down the previous day's events as they happened. My injury is becoming jarring, so I take another pain med. A few minutes later, I feel myself getting extremely sleepy. I'm journaling, but the fatigue is too much. I'm falling asleep, and the supernatural form is slowly making itself known once more . . . this time, HER is at the foot of my bed. My faith is a bit shaken, but I remember the religious and spiritual teachings that my late Mom taught me, to ward off any presence of evil. As I meditate, I find myself able to overpower the terror I felt earlier. I would be lying if I said I was not still scared. But, I'm going to give in to my sleep now and allow myself to rest, hopefully for a longer stretch of time. My mind and body are so tired. My loyal cat is once again at my side. I am determined to let the events unfold as they must. However, the cloudy form is now right next to me.