It was as if HER had impudently made its way into this house I love so much. That love I feel for my home is mostly because of the peace it has always provided me. Maybe HER likes the peace of the home as well. Maybe it is the house, and not me, that provides HER the comfort which makes HER linger. But, maybe it is just me that HER is drawn to, and because of my deep sleep during 3 a.m., HER decided to wait for me to awake, then made itself obviously discernable.
Of all this, I am UNCERTAIN. All I know right now, as I write, is that the disturbing markings I found on the ceramic tile in the kitchen were not mine nor were they of anyone else in the home; my family does not make footprints like that, and I am 100% confident that my cool, loyal cat for sure does not leave prints such as these. Prints that look like that of an animal I have never known or read about. If you could only see them, your hair would probably immediately turn white from the fright the markings induced. As scary as it has been, I now consider HER visits a challenge. HER broke the rules I set forth long ago; the same rules stipulated by geniuses of lore and scripture long before I ever came to be.