This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 2; by Dora D. Carey 2023: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Stories by D: The Veracity of HER

I'm not really sure why this entity, HER, thought it was a good idea to just move into my home and scare the crap out of me at her leisure. Sometimes I do get scared but other times, she just pisses me off. I guess it's not really HER that is making me mad and upset more than it is me who is mad at myself for succumbing to such nonsense. Sometimes the feeling I get that HER is lurking makes me want to jump up and run out of my house. But, most times, I am just too tired to lend HER the fuel of fright that she craves. Instead, I ignore the chills that tag the skin on my arms. I refocus my startled emotions toward thoughts that are serene. I instead try to think about my loved ones when HER enters a room and makes the space drop several degrees of cold. I adore my family, and it’s as if HER knows my propensity to keep guard and watch over my loved ones, so she manages to fuck with my thoughts and makes me see dreadful things happening to the people I love. HER is only known to me now and to these very pages where I journal HER activity. Sometimes I challenge HER existence and try to pass it down as a dream, more like a nightmare, but HER knows my thoughts, and HER will do something even more sinister to remind me of HER veracity. My own true veracity of the story of HER remains a mystery and is only acknowledged by yours truly. I fear to bring anyone else into this obscure and otherworldly predicament.